Thursday, May 13, 2010

How to build a Cool Animated CSS3 Menu with no Javascript

Cool Animated CSS3 Menu Tutorial

This tutorial is about understanding, learning and mastering the some of the new features and properties of CSS3.
You will learn how to build a cool rounded navigation menu, with no images and no Javascript, and effectively make use of the new CSS3 properties border-radius and animation.
This menu works perfectly well with Chrome and Safari. With Firefox the border-radius works great but not the animation.
CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 1: The HTML structure of the Navigation

The basic HTML structure of the menu has three list items with the fictitious names “brand“, “promotion” and “event“.

<li id="brand"><a href="#">Brand</a></li>
<li id="promotion"><a href="#">Promotion</a></li>
<li id="event"><a href="#">Event</a></li>

How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 2: Create the Background Color of the Menu

In this step we are going to give the main navigation area (.css3Tutorial) a dark background. The width, height and padding are completely optional, they are only there for demonstartion purposes when viewing the demo.
.css3Tutorial {
background: #14080a;
How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 3: Round Navigation with border-radius

Now we will make each .li (navigation item) rounded with some cool CSS3 magic, more specifically with the border-radius property: So far, the navigation will work very well with Chrome, Safari and Firefox.
ul {
list-style: none;
li {
font: 14px/10px Arial, Verdana, sans-serif;
background-color: #b6f5fe;
width: 80px;
height: 80px;
margin:0 30px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius: 60px;
-moz-border-radius: 60px;
border-radius: 60px;
How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 4: Aligning the Navigation Points

In this fourth step, we will give each .li element (navigation item) a unique background-color and position:
li#brand {
background-color: #e1f5b8;
li#promotion {
background-color: #b6f5fe;
li#event {
background-color: #f9bde6;
How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 5: Aligning the Links within the Menu

li a {
width: 80px;
height: 45px;  text-align: center;
padding:35px 0 0 0;
margin:0 40px 0 0;
-webkit-border-radius: 40px;
-moz-border-radius: 40px;
border-radius: 40px;
li#brand a {
background-color: #afe43f;
li#promotion a {
background-color: #03aec7;
li#event a {
background-color: #ba1886;
How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 6: Define the Properties for the Hover Effect

In terms of a “good user experience” we will now add the hover effect for the “inner core” of our navigation:
li a:hover,
li a:focus,
li a:active {
width: 120px;
padding:55px 0 0 0;
margin:-20px 0 0 -20px;
-webkit-border-radius: 60px;
-moz-border-radius: 60px;
border-radius: 60px;
How the menu looks so far: CSS3 Animated Menu

Step 7: Adding the animation to the Navigation

Now this were the navigation really comes alive. The animation property for this navigation works perfectly with Chrome anf Safari, but struggles with Firefox.
li a:hover,
li a:focus,
li a:active {
@-webkit-keyframes bounce{from{margin:0 40px 0 0;}
to{margin:120px 40px 0 0;}
How the final menu looks: CSS3 Animated Menu

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